IIDFC Securities Limited (the company) is a public limited company, fully owned subsidiary company of Industrial and Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited (IIDFC). The company was incorporated in Bangladesh vide corticated of incorporation no. C-83521/10 dated 28 March 2010 in the name IIDFC Securities Limited. The company obtained license from Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) of its Stock broker registration vide certi¬ficate no. 3.1/DSE-238/2011/455 dated 05 January 2011, Stock Dealer registration corticated no. 3.1/DSE-238/2011/456 dated 05 January 2011, Depository Participation license no. SEC/ Registration/CDL-DP-292 dated 03 February 2011 to carry out its operations.
Presently there are 2 branches, 2 Extension office of the Head Office and 1 digital booth locations include Dhaka, Chittagong, and Keraniganj.